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Vivienne Milburn
Jul 31, 20203 min read
Antique Nouveau’ is a popular ‘mash-up’ these days
The ‘21st century mash-up’ - the mixing and matching of pieces from a wide variety of periods and styles to form an eclectic, but harmonious

Vivienne Milburn
Feb 1, 20204 min read
Diamonds grown in a lab are real diamonds!
As the fashion for big diamond rings continues, so does our ingenuity in producing them. Such as the Eco or Lab grown diamonds.

Vivienne Milburn
Oct 1, 20194 min read
Golden opportunities for sellers
GOLD is at its highest ever price, which means collectable gold items will make even more than before. Where gold leads, silver will follow

Vivienne Milburn
Sep 30, 20184 min read
Walking sticks with extras – like a card table!
This collection of walking sticks include every essential item for a 19th Century gentleman- and a few none essential items.Thinking like an

Vivienne Milburn
Mar 1, 20184 min read
Add a few noughts for a sunny landscape?
The work of the impressionists continues to be popular, despite current trends for more modern art. This painting is by the artist Eugène Bo

Vivienne Milburn
Jan 1, 20174 min read
As poor as a church mouse– but as rich as a ‘Mouseman’!
The first mouse carved on furniture made by Robert Thompson in his work shop was in the 1920’s and was a genius piece of branding not only w
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